Unit 9. Net search. What's on in Edinburgh

Unit 9. Net search. What's on in Edinburgh

Postby Maillo » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:11 pm

What's on in Edinburgh at the moment?

Tomorrow the Museum of Edinburgh is free and I have listened that there are very interesting pieces of art. Would like to see it?. We could go in the morning and also the national gallery of modern art is free. There are an exposition of the Polish artist Miroslav Balka, named: Entering Paradise and a selection of works from the Galleries of Scotland sahwing representations of motherhood from the early Renaissance to the present, in partnership with Highland 2007 and the Highland Council.. We can go after lanch, because it's open until 17:00 then we could go shoping to the Gladstone's Land, where it's possible to buy a large book sale of used and nearly new books. All very reasonably priced at either 50p or £1.

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