Would you like to travel independently and go on a journey?

Would you like to travel independently and go on a journey?

Postby fmmsfz » Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:26 pm

A day I would like to travel in various countries. Sometimes I would like to know the other people thoughts. It’s very interesting because people so identical with you can have a life completely different mode of the life. So I think if you want to know other foreign people you must walk the same floor them. Can you imagine doing a trek by all the American countries? Africa can be the most beautiful trek, but it will be very dangerous. When I’m imagining to walk in Africa, I remember of the lions and selvages animals. Yes it’s very crazy but I’m afraid.
I would like to walk in Mexico, they have a style of life very attractive for me. Brazil would also be a very interesting place. After I can go on my travel in Paraguay and so I would know Oscar Cardozo’s family and I thank them for all.

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