

Postby Pepa » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:05 pm

Hello, My name’s Pepa. I’m your student in pre-elementary English. I’m 49 years old. I live in Moguer. I have two children Úrsula is 24 and Dalia is 21 years old.
Úrsula is Chemical Engineer. She completed the degree last year. She ordered over the Internet curriculum and called it in London. She did not understand English well. In February she went to London. She wants to speak English fluently. She works and studies there.
Dalia is Technical Laboratory. She is now studying the Diploma of Social Work, is in the second year. Next year she wants to apply for the scholarship, Seneca and complete her degree program in Salamanca. She wants to continue studying and make the grade.
I am preparing competitive examinations, I passed the exams but didn´t get seat so I am studing again to next exams.
Úrsula came to help me out.

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