Aboriginal art and culture.

Aboriginal art and culture.

Postby Pau Fortuño » Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:35 pm

How far back does Aboriginal culture date? (How long have Aborigines lived in Australia?)
The same Australian government says that Aboriginal culture is the oldest living culture in the world because it go back at least 50,000 years. But there is not a unique Aboriginal culture in the whole Australia, there are at least three, Tiwi people, Noongar people, and Torres Strait Islanders.

When did Europeans come to Australia?
The first European ship that landfall in Australia was the Duyfken captained by Dutchman, Willem Janszoon, in the early 1606.

What happened when they came?
The Dutch people did not do settlement in Australia and the first to reclaim the land for their kingdom were the James Cook, an English Lieutenant. But it happened in 1770, more than 150 years later the discovery of this new continent. The first use of Australia was to place english prisoners and keep the Great Britain free of malefactors.

What is a didgeridoo?
The didgeridoo is an ancient instrument of the Australian aborigine. It is a wind instrument in a pipe shape made of wood. It is a pretty long instrument, it can measure until 3 metres. Its sound is very deep and relaxing and it have become very popular in many alternative cultures of all over the world.

Look at some more examples of Aboriginal art.
Alter search “Aboriginal art” in Google Images, I think that all the examples are very decorative, colourful and joyful. Most of the paintings are made with dots and wavy lines that finally become shapes of animals, plants or figures. I have noticed that there are not many human. What I like most is the colours used, all of them are very organic. They mostly are red, brown, and yellow, as the earth colours are.

Is there anything on the Internet about indigenous art of your country?
I did not find any exhibition or gallery specialized in Aboriginal art in Barcelona. I just find some book stores that have some related book. There also were some conferences about Aboriginal Australian art in Casa Asia in 2004. I am sure that there has to be something more, but I would have to do a deeper internet surfing.
Pau Fortuño

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