Postby Arantzazu » Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:40 pm

My friend:

Where do you live? In Zuberoa people most of people lives in farms. There are some small village, and people live in two store houses.
What type of building do you live in? The roof of the buildings in Zuberoa is hipped roof, made of slate. It´s bult this way to avoid the accumulation of the snow.
Is this a typical type of building in your city or country? Yes it is.The capital city of the county is like this.
Do you like living there? Why? Why not? Yes. The contact with the nature is necessary for me, and I think that the environment has to be according with the geography.
Have you changed anything since you've lived there, or are you planning to change anything? I´ve learn to live more calmly. I do the shopping in little stores, most of the food I got in my own farm.


I live in the coast of the same country, but the weather and the way of life is very different, so the houses are completely different. We live in tinny flats. Our houses are 4 or 5 stores high.
I would not like living there because i don´t like working in a farm, and the are not a lot of social activities. But for having a holidays I think it´s a paradise.


Postby Admin » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:16 am

Hello Aran (Is this the correct abbreviation? I'm not sure anymore!)
Thanks for the message, very interesting. So in Zuberoa the houses have slate roofs and not terra cotta tiles - very different from Mediterranean architecture.
Can I help with something?
two store houses.= two-storey houses, or houses with 2 storeys
is hipped roof = a pitched roof
I would not like living there= I wouldn't like to live there...
See you again,
Site Admin
Posts: 914
Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:46 pm


Postby Marta » Sat May 06, 2017 7:53 pm

hello, everyboby,

I live in a three storey-house in the downtown of a little city in north-east of Catalunya, near the sea. In spite of it is a high house it 's not big, because it's narrow. It's a strange house, built in order to take advantage of the space.
I like some things: it's near the center but in a very quiet street; it's sunny and bright, and since we live there we have changed old parts, like the kitchen and the bathrooms, and we built a study in the flat roof, where we have a very good views. I don't like to have a lot of stairs and don't have a garden. In fact, my husband, my daughter and I have decided to move in a new house in the near future.

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