Sarathbabu Elumalai true/false

Sarathbabu Elumalai true/false

Postby Luisa C. » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:23 am

1) There were four people in Sarathbabu' family.
2) Sarathbabu used to sell idlis before going to school.
3) His first job was at Food King.
4) Food King is a food delivery company.
5) Sarathbabu is interested in his region's politics.
6) Sarathbabu has been married since 2011.
7) Hunger Free Day is on October 10th.
8) In 2008, Sarathbabu was awarded the Pepsi-MTV youth icon prize.

Key: 1 F;2 T; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T; 6 F; 7 T; 8 T
Luisa C.

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