Unit 2 #8

Unit 2 #8

Postby Mayra Saldaña Rojo » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:30 am

1. I have a lot in common with Deniz´s planning style because when I´m planning I have a certain routine based on a logical order and I try to make the activities dinamic to maintain the attention of the students and attend to their needs.

2.It´s important to choose a logical variety of relevant exercises on the subjectt in the planning to achieve the expected learning through a balaNce in the different styles and rhytms of learning and in turn to achieve more cohesion.

3.I elaborate a daily planning that includes: beginning, development and closing based on the objective of the lesson with dinamyc activities that include all the students. Sometimes I support the textbook.

4.Must consider that the planning is necessary since it will allow us to maximize the class time and to organize the contents that guarantee the students´learning in funcion to their abilities and the educational resources
Mayra Saldaña Rojo

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