Horror Films

Horror Films

Postby Federico Hernandez » Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:45 pm

Write answers to these questions and post them on the Noticeboard in the Study Room. Respond to other people's postings.

1. Do you like horror films, such as films about Dracula and Frankenstein? Why or why not? (If you are not interested in horror films, go to question 4.)
I used to like horror films but not anymore. In the past horror films were enjoyable scary but not those films have been getting more funniest than horror fims

2. What is your favourite horror film of all time? Who is your favourite actor in horror films?
My favorite horror fims in the past were all those (80's/90's) I could watch the video at home alone during the daylight because at night could be more terrific

3. What is the fascination of horror films? Why do film studios keep re-making them?
Because people's imagination can build big stories in their minds just seeing some of them (more than the film can show). By other way I think film studios keep making them because the people always is looking for something that makes them imagine or living a situation which in real life they can not easely find

4. "There were a lot of calm and the shades were reflecting some scary figures..."
"I was trying to convince myself that all this strange feeling was just in my mind but when I took a look to the Monalisa's paint I felt this sensation that some was staring at me and I couldn't hide from that looks..."
Federico Hernandez

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