1)Would you ever employ a private investigator?
I would employ a private investigator to discover if my brother has made the same violence and sexsual abuse as the one used by him when I was a child to his dautgher and other women
2)Have you ever had any experiences with them?
No,I haven't in my life.
3)Would you like to do this job?Why not?
I woudn't do because it is a dangerous job he is Always in blood sceneS to resarch the murders the robbers ,the kidnapppings.
I think it is not a job for women even if you can discover with it the clueS of the scenes and know the real responsible of the fact.
I also believe that there are woRK for women as nurses ,cleaners,teachers,psychiatrists and other for men as politicians,policemen.
In the past womemn didn't have the right and the same rights of men there was the revolution of women in Italy in 1960 and in 1926 with the raise of SuffRagettes.
4)What srange or interesting jobs have you had?
I worked in a small market called Marisa in LIVIGNO for A month during the middle school I sold newspapers ,magazines, stamps,bootle of liquors , jam,chocolates all
without income tax because it is a duty free area.
I have been doing the secretary till the end of the first year of University in foreign languages that I didn't have completed,I have worked in Ics triplex in Peschiera Borromeo where I live In Ecis,In Saipem And at present days In GiCOTECNICA.
iI am working on p27 ANd I usally print PDI, mAkE scans, using Microstation ,and learning BLUE BEAM by A boss.