What about you?

What about you?

Postby Gianluigi » Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:53 pm

I enjoyed the story about Easter Island statues, I knowed only something about this.
I am a civil engineer and how the islanders had built the monoliths fascinates me.
What I think is that the statues would have built by visitors from some near places to leave a mark of their passage on the island or to thank some divinity to help them in their following trip. Maybe that visitors would have used the island's timber and some ropes to move and erect the statues.

After this reading I would like to visit more and more Easter Island because it is a fascinating and mysterious place.

The most remote place that I have been is Lebanon, where I spended a six-month-period for work. I get there by plane, with a flight from Rome to Beirut. I enjoyed that time because I discovered a lot of things about this ancient region: religion, history, monuments, policy, wars, but also food, turism, well-life.

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