by elizabeth » Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:40 am
Oil is found underheath the eath in our ecosistm and there are zoone reach of this product of the world it is can be dig with machinery and it can enrich the men with it foand there were wars for it for example The KUWAIT one which has been reported by news by commercials.
It is the fuel of airplane ,of car,of refinery of buses of ships. and The discover of the sun and with the law of Copernico and Keplero which is said that sun goes around the world in an eleocentric world and it generates light with which can become in those the way to see and the way to save energy with solar panel with solar heath you can build a solar refinery as solar panel in the twenties they are most in France.
As I have reported with discover of the light bulb with Edison burnt in the world other bulbs which are named for example The Lead One,onother way is the power of the wind with which the men have built in the past some moulins to make the bread or the cotoon.There are also wind refinery.