1)Why do think that dolphins helped Nicki to speak?Do you have a theory about this?
I think Dolphins helped Nicki to speak because the animals with his signals of alarms or exitement,gave him the speech,the sense of speaking.I believe the theory the Dolphins can give the world to the persons they can stimulate who are not well who suffers from mental ilness,diseases heart attacks.
2)Do you really think the dolphins helped, or is this case of media exageration?
Many tv series as Flippers have brodcasted,the cleverness of Dolphins,the yoyness the take to human beings,the welness they take.
Dolphins are grown in delphinaries by instructors who are for example makes them joke who feed them with fishes because they are mammals.
They use echoes to make experiment to save human beings.
Dolphins are shown as the animals who prevent shark to attack the men because with their fins are capable of save people and with their rumors can send away the shark in the ocean.
I think media ,headline news,jounalists exagerate about them because they make people survive in some beaches resorts.
3)Do you know any other storie about the therapeutic effect of animals?
I think that dogs can help men or women to speak,for example I have one I often think is able to speak, he is very kind to me ,he take peaceful,relaxation,he pevents .
from burglars ,thieves.
He makes jokes,he is not mute, he has the abilty to speak.He helps me with the problem I have had when I was young my Brother has raped me more time and I will not forget it.
The nature is full of animals who utters musicic of world of spelling world,sigificant songs of nature.
4)How do you think Nickki's mother raised the10,500£?How would you raise this amount of money?
I think NIcki's mother raised the 10,500£ doing aid worker for charity.
I think that I can raise this sum of money collecting money in churches working as aid workes in a delphinario,I think to make them life not to be against them.
Dolphins are allowed to swim in beaches without problems,they are animals to safe not to kill them