extreme sports

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:56 am

I think ski is not periculus because I am able to ski iven if there are a lot of fracures of knees of elbows not with cars in the past because there didn't be the harness.Children use more console games and eat more junks food in front of the televisions and computers,and pass the time in front of videos jokes
becoming lazy.

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:23 am

Some children growin obesity in front of the tevision because the coomercials sells sometimes the products which makes the children a good taster of nasty food an insane tools so parents should not make see television a lotof it but there are some children who search in the jokes of computer of films of scenario of films trlls games trills films and those makes them research trills games fun sport which take them to amuse themselves.When I ski I know there is a risk involved there is Always a risk but there is an interest in danger you have to be conscious to be responsible when you do an extreme sports.You can't be obess with safety even you are not able to win with the otheres to be a competitor to be winner.

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:32 am

People found the life tedious and boring so they resarch for bigger trills for trills sports.

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:38 am

In my country in Imola there are the most important track of the world where there the most car racing, there is the Ferrari where in it died Senna .

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:11 am

Extreme sports or adventure sports are activities prceived as involving a high degree of risk.These actitivities often involve,speed,height,a high level of pysical exertion,and highly specializez gear.
Skiing is the spoprt of sliding down-covered hils with fixed -heel blindings.Also common styles such as ski mountainnering and nordic skiing,Alpine skiing is thew most popular syle as long as infrasture can be bulit up.
scottering is the one of those urban sports.Also refeered to as a fresyle scrottotering.It is height,tricks,terrains,and obstacles invoolved to dislpay how talented and skilled the performer is.With its and more enhanced machine in which performers could perform various syles and tricks .
ski jumping is an Olypic sport that involves jumping off a ramp and tanding softly on a hill.
During and the level of technique throughout the jump
mountain -biking,also called as downhill biking,is a gravity-assisted time trial mountain biking even equpiment to that used in downhill skiing.
ice-hockey involves two teams,each usually consisting of six players wearing skates and competing known as the puck,past a oal a net guarded by goaltender
ice skating:involves moving on ice by using ice skaters.It can be done for a number ,iclusde pace both indoors and otdoors amd I made in Livigno with two friend during high -school and in middle school and I had bought the ice skating and in Palazzo del Ghiaccio in via Piranese I had the trills to move on the ice and to not fall down and not break my knee my Hills,my legs as Petit when tried to steal the picture of Man of Wire that had the void of Manattan.

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:49 am

Philip Petit set his sights on conquering the Twin Towers which were to be the tallest buildings in the world.After six yearsof planning,Petit and his crew flew from Paris to New Jork with heavy steel cable and rigging equipment and managed to smuggle it all the Towers.When night fell,they used a bow and Arrow to pass the cable across the void between the Towers bunch of spectators.Amazinly,nobody early the next morning Petit crossed back and forth eight times.If he lost his balance,all that was undeareath him were the sidewalks of Manahattan half a kilometre below and a growing.I used the ice skating it seemed to have the same effects of this sills tightrope-walking but more with ski.

Re: extreme sports

Postby Mario » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:30 pm

Extreme sports is put yourself in dangerous with sport activities that might lead you to death.
I don't think extreme sports an exciting sport, that we should do in our life.
I know some extreme sport like car racing, skydiving and Mixed Martial Arts fighting. You must be very brave to do some kind of these sports. When I was kid I used to jump from the last floor of the swimming pool, It was fourth floor and I did not care about how dangerous was It. The experience on that time was good and I did use to enjoy It, but no more since I became more responsible.
I would always advice to the people that enjoy this kind of sport, to put yourself safety so you can avoid any disaster.


Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:57 am

I have met in my life three people in my life that has made parachuting one is my neighbour of house in Liviigno and two which attended the course of conversation in International House at saturday

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:02 am

I hope this year to win a medal in Livigno with skiing I will be in Livigno from 09 to 26 and I will do a course of skiing with the same instructor of Federica Pellegrini I hope to be lucky to win.

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:17 am

I have made two guest's races in Livigno and I have won two silvers medals in two weeks one with the instructor Luigi and the other with Mario Benetti ,I have beeen in Livigno for my holidays which lasted three weeks.

Re: extreme sports

Postby elizabeth » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:00 pm

Philippe Petit tried to get away with the robbey but he was handucced by police and he narrated why he tried three oranges,he juggle to throw three or more items in the air and catch them while keeping then moving at all items.Petit,now in in 60 ,used to climb everthing he could when he was a little boy.As a teenager ,he'd practise jugglling with the Cirque D'hiver in Paris.
His tithtrope-walking skills eventaually led to walk a wire between the Towers of Notre D,IN 1971 and near the Sydney Harbour Bridge i 1973 .
He had completed 79 performances all without safety nets.


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