Net adiction

Net adiction

Postby Ziortza » Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:58 pm

What support groups are there for Net addicts?
Social support can be a very powerful and beneficial force in the recovery process. The benefits of social support are many: a sense of belongingness and inclusion, a sense of safety and security, reduced stress, decreased isolation and loneliness, an enhanced sense of meaning and purpose, hope and optimism about the future, the opportunity to escape the narrow world of one's own concerns social support can counteract shame, isolation and secrecy.

What other kinds of addictions are catered for on the Internet?
Cybersex addiction. Too much surfing of *censured* sites often affects real-life relationships.
Cyber-relationship addiction. Excessive use of social networking sites to create relationships rather than spending time with family or friends may destroy real-life relationships.

What causes these addictions, according to the experts?
Certain people are predisposed to having a computer or Internet addiction, such as those who suffer from anxiety and depression. There are also those who have a history of other types of addiction, such as addictions to alcohol, drugs, *censured* and gambling. Their lack of emotional support means they turn to the Internet to fill this need. Even being stressed and unhappy can contribute greatly to the development of a computer or Internet addiction. People who are overly shy and cannot easily relate to their peers are also at a higher risk of developing a computer or Internet addiction.

Do the experts consider these addictions to be diseases, crimes or personal weaknesses?
They consider compulsive disorder that can impact almost anyone and those who suffer from depression, anxiety, relationships problems, and other addictions are most at-risk

Re: Net adiction

Postby Jaime » Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:08 am

My answers!!
About Network addiction It is important to know, it could be as serious as smoking, or consuming drugs, because it causes withdrawal syndrome, the investigators said, this syndrome is necessary to be able to consider any substance as addictive. The problem is that this addiction was recently discovered, for this reason people still do not consider it as a serious public health problem. In my case, I use the computer and mobile phone for work, sometimes I spent a lot of time on it, but when I'm tired, change then activity and helps me feel better, on vacation I do not need the computer, I think I am not addicted to the network.
Thanks for your attention!!

Re: Net adiction

Postby Jaime » Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:10 am

My answers!!
The addictions are a complex disease, because it involves aspects of genetics and the environment, in patients with addictions, the brain gives a sense of pleasure, is the reason that patients, look for more quantity of the substance, is the same situation With all the substances, for example: alcohol, tobacco, lotteries, drugs among others. NET addiction was recently discovered, even the investigations do not know enough about it, but they share some characteristics with the other addictive substances. Currently it is not clear the treatment, however psychiatry mixes medications to control the anxiety of abstinence syndrome, with behavioral therapy.
Thanks for your attention!!

Re: Net adiction

Postby Admin » Wed Mar 20, 2019 8:29 am

Thanks for your message about Net addiction Jaime, very interesting. It sounds like you know a lot about this subject! Most of your message is well-written and clear, but the first sentence is very long:

"The addictions are a complex disease, because it involves aspects of genetics and the environment, in patients with addictions, the brain gives a sense of pleasure, is the reason that patients, look for more quantity of the substance, is the same situation With all the substances, for example: alcohol, tobacco, lotteries, drugs among others."

You could make the sentences shorter and easier to understand:

Addiction is a complex disease, because it involves aspects of genetics and the environment.
In patients with addiction the brain gives a sense of pleasure, which is the reason why patients (look for more quantity of the substance) want to repeat the experience??? NOTE: The problem here is that people are not only addicted to substances, but also to activities.
The same thing happens with (different substances, for example:) alcohol, tobacco, lotteries (gambling, shopping), drugs among other things."

In general, avoid loooong sentences, they are difficult to control!
See you,
Site Admin
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