

Postby nuria » Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:29 pm

The score was that I am an eco-friendly person. However, I have some partners at work that are much more eco-friendly than me. For instance, they prepare soap from the used oil from cooking so that this oil is not through it.


Postby Lali Codinach » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:40 pm

In Spain, every day we are being more eco-friendly.
People are recycling in their homes a long time ago, separating garbage. The paper, the glass, the plastics are pulled separately.
Companies have also started their recycling habits and they are implementing measures to help their employees to recycle. In the company where I work, VidaCaixa, the recycling of used oil has been implemented. The company facilitates its employees a plastic container to store used oil and once the container is filled it is deposited in a cupboard in the company. Periodically a recycling Company comes to pick up the containers of used oil. In this way, once the containers are full, a new container is picked up again to be filled.
This makes it easy for people to recycle oil, because if the company did not give this facility to the employees, half of them would not carry out the recycling on their own.
Lali Codinach

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