What country is?

What country is?

Postby Michel Medina » Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:24 am

In this country, people drink tea and beer.
They speak English.
They eat fish and chips.
People have dinner at 6:00.
People have a big breakfast on Sunday.
They celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on November 5.
They don't have a siesta.
Michel Medina

Re: What country is?

Postby LUZ MA » Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:49 pm

In this country, people drink coffee.
They eat roast.
People have dinner at 9:00
People celebrate September 15 whit Fireworks and
very much foot, it´s the
day of independence.
They play a basketball or football.
People work from monday to Friday.
People normally meet Sundays in family
to eat together.
What country is it?

Re: What country is?

Postby Guest » Wed May 22, 2019 12:57 pm

The country that Michel say is United Kingdom.

Which country does Luz describe?
the celebration September 15 of The day of independence is en most country of America Central


Re: What country is?

Postby ISABEL » Wed May 22, 2019 12:57 pm

The country that Michel say is United Kingdom.

Which country does Luz describe?
the celebration September 15 of The day of independence is en most country of America Central


Re: What country is?

Postby ISABEL » Wed May 22, 2019 12:57 pm

The country that Michel say is United Kingdom.

Which country does Luz describe?
the celebration September 15 of The day of independence is en most country of America Central


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