I'm Mauro Parrini.
My family name is not so common in Marche Region, probably because it becomes from Tuscania region
I can said that is not very popular in Italy.
I don't know the origin of my family name, probably because I'm not intrested in that.
In Italy the family name usually derive from the latin (romans). They used the gentes as we use today the family name.
Some other family name was origined during the middle age, like CONTI & BARONI: these were noble titles.
There are also a few popular name from other countries, one of these is Peter.
We use "Signore/a" in a formal consversation when we don't know the name of someone, and we want to attract his/her attention.
In an informal conversation (like in the market) in some regions you can also call someone "capo" .....
In Italy in a very formal conversation (spoken or written) we use surnames with title, like Mr, Mrs or Prof or Dottor.
We don't use title in informal conversation, with friends or collegues.
we use also something similar to a pet name to express affection, like orsettino, ciccino, tesorino and so on.