Bailif Horror Story

Bailif Horror Story

Postby Guest » Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:03 am

I was sleeping. It was 10 am when i heard somebody knocking on the door. I quickly woke up and clattered down the stairs to open the door. When i did so, my worst nightmare appeared in front of me!
A bailiff was standing there.... He looked at me with his vile tiny eyes, his hooked nose, an impressive pallor and said:

Continue the story^^

Re: Bailif Horror Story

Postby Alex » Mon May 04, 2020 4:03 pm

Good night man, I am a messenger to the spiritual world. So, you have a chance to run...but I have ever been in your dreams.
For just a minute I hope that it was a nightmare, but the dream comes true because the ghost touch my shoulder and I felt that cold wind invade my body.
I tried to scream but the never sound exit to my mouth...In a minute I was coming into a dark space, where countless shadows with deep gazes watched me..

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